We have been putting together the definitive Meredith Historical Documentary, which will come out on DVD sometime in the next six hundred years. The film will be accompanied by footage of some of the great performances from over the years. The DVD will be called “'A Weekend In The Country'. But more about that later.

In the process, we have uncovered some real gems of footage from over the years. Most of these are from the early years, so the quality of the video and audio aint great, and Meredith looks like a wild old event alright. You can view some of these highlights below.

 To view these short videos (about 30 seconds) you will need Apple Quicktime 5. If you do not have Quicktime it can be downloaded from Apple's website.


Seminal Melbourne band Ricaine were playing on the Saturday in 1994, when a long-haired crowd member decided to join them on stage….

Watch the face of that photographer at the end. Eww.

Watch Ricaine Stagediver (2.6mb)


A series of stacks, all through the years.

Warning: nudity.

Watch The Gift ( 4.7mb)


Meredith’s most emotional moment. After coming second in The Gift several times over a number of years, a man called J.K. decides to run nude from his home in Lagwarrin, 220 kilometres to Meredith, arriving exhausted but ecstatic on the Sunday to a full amphitheatre. Along the way, over a couple of weeks, his story was picked up around the world by the mainstream media. It was huge. Incredible scenes. They played Chariots of Fire. It was amazing. Brilliant MC Wayne Deakin offers his congratulations "you are a magnificent Australian”.

Warning: nudity.

Watch J.K.'s Crusade (3.1mb)


Again, 1994. The first of two legendary performances at Meredith (the other one was 1 day short of being exactly 10 years later). This was when Dirty Three had just become an underground sensation in Melbourne. It was one of the wildest shows you could ever see. Two guys from the stage (who I think of as Bill and Ted from their Excellent Adventure) get head-banging…finally Warren has had enough and executes a superb back-heel without missing a note.

Watch the Dirty Three (4.7mb)


A singalong on the Sunday afternoon of THE VERY FIRST MEREDITH (crowd size: 200) in 1991. Fast forward to a singalong with Spiderbait in 2004.

Watch the Sing-A-Longs (2.9mb)


What to say? The incredible Powdermonkeys played many of the early Merediths, this particular gig was 1994 again, and Tim was primed and ready to…rant.

Watch the Late Great Tim Hemmensley (3.7mb)


Kram interviewed at Meredith 2004, remembers the early years fondly. Includes some footage of them playing in 1993.

Watch Spiderbait (3.6mb)


Needs no explanation, other than to say thank god for Master Jin Song Han's Tai Chi Masterclass.

Watch Sunday Morning (3.3mb)

To view these short videos (about 30 seconds) you will need Apple Quicktime 5. If you do not have Quicktime it can be downloaded from Apple's website.